A-Z Index



Day Year Event
Oct. 1 1889 Maryville Seminary, 网上赌博网站十大排行的前身, 是由西北密苏里教育和科学协会开办的.
Oct. 1 1952 在校长生日那天,学生会大楼被认为可以使用了. J.W. Jones.
Oct. 1 2021 Northwest awarded a $10,000英镑奖学金给凯特·基尔帕特里克, 地质学专业大二学生, 充分接种COVID-19疫苗. The scholarship giveaway was the culmination of a series of prize drawings to help increase COVID-19 vaccination rates on campus during the global pandemic.
Oct. 2 1908 师范学校的足球队进行了第一场比赛,击败了大学斯普林斯的阿米蒂学院, Iowa, 在未完工的行政大楼后面的空地上.
Oct. 3 1910 学生们在新落成的行政大楼上了第一堂课.
Oct. 3 1917 罢工日野餐在隧道森林有秋千,游戏和食物.
Oct. 3 1933 物理、化学和地理合并为物理科学系. Joseph Hake as chair; agriculture and biology were combined into the Department of Biology with W.T. Garrett as chair.
Oct. 4 1922 Charles R. 加德纳在一次集会上向学院的学生介绍了母校.
Oct. 4 1932 查尔斯·柯蒂斯,美国副总统.美国总统赫伯特·胡佛在学院礼堂发表演讲.
Oct. 4 1937 Two Philippine girls, 应埃尔·拉姆金总统的邀请, 为了让讲外语的学生来到校园,他开始免费就读网上赌博网站十大排行.
Oct. 4 1937 The Board of Regents voted to name the new training school Horace Mann Laboratory School; the building opened in 1939.
Oct. 4 2013 网上赌博网站十大排行举办了首届密苏里希望大学, 为综合危机应对专业或辅修专业学生进行为期三天的灾害应对现场训练演习.
Oct. 6 1920 "High-laced, high-heeled, 牙签鞋”在《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》上被宣传为“正确的鞋”."
Oct. 6 1964 罗伯特·福斯特宣誓就任西北地区第七任总统.
Oct. 7 1939 霍勒斯·曼实验学校大楼,今天被称为埃弗雷特·W. 布朗教育大厅(Brown Education Hall)和今天被称为威尔斯大厅(Wells Hall)的图书馆都是为纪念布朗州长而设立的. 劳埃德·斯塔克作为演讲者出席.
Oct. 7 1942 西北密苏里提醒学生, "Polite men do not stand at the east door and allow women to struggle with the heavy door; impolite men do."
Oct. 7 2010 Northwest celebrated the centennial of the Administration Building and the building’s recent addition to the National Register of Historic Places with a morning ceremony.
Oct. 7 2011 Dr. Carol Spradling, 计算机科学与信息系统副教授, 共同主持了密苏里州的就职典礼, Iowa, 内布拉斯加州和堪萨斯州计算机女性大会(MINKWIC)在堪萨斯城, Missouri. 网上赌博网站十大排行计算机科学学院的教职工和学生参加了为期两天的活动.
Oct. 8 1977 The Bearcat Marching Band performed at Game 4 of Major League Baseball's American League Championship Series between the New York Yankees and the Kansas City Royals at Royals Stadium.
Oct. 8 1982 在Lamkin体育馆的一场音乐会上,Cheap Trick表演了《网上赌博网站十大排行》和其他热门歌曲.
Oct. 8 2016 Hunter Hayes, 五次获得格莱美提名的歌手, 作曲家和多乐器演奏家, 学生活动委员会秋季音乐会在Bearcat体育馆举行.
Oct. 9 2009 网上赌博网站十大排行的入学人数创历史新高,达到7076人.  
Oct. 10 1924 第一次普遍的返乡活动开始了, 尽管菲洛玛西亚人已经举行了11年的返乡活动.
Oct. 10 1945 President Uel Lamkin, 在宣布他的辞职被接受后, 对《网上赌博网站十大排行》说, “如果你想让我说什么, 说是教师成就了学院. 没有比这更好的教师了."
Oct. 10 1950 1848年的钟声敲响,宣布学生会大楼的建造合同被授予.
Oct. 10 1980 网上赌博网站十大排行以亨利P. Iba, 他曾是熊猫队的教练,在20世纪二三十年代带领球队在全国崭露头角, 还有已故的杰克·麦克拉肯, a star on Iba’s teams, as its first inductees.
Oct. 10 1987 返校活动发生在一场暴风雪中. 其中包括霍勒斯·曼实验学校大楼的重新启用,命名为埃弗雷特·W. 布朗教育大厅和体育设施作为赖兰米尔纳综合大楼.
Oct. 11 1918 学校关闭,直到11月11日才重新开放. 26 as a result of the influenza pandemic of 1918-19; churches and theaters also closed as buildings in Maryville were restricted to no more than 20 people at once.
Oct. 11 1921 校董会批准了一项由大学用品商店向学生提供教科书的计划, 为网上赌博网站十大排行在1922年秋天推出教科书租赁计划铺平了道路.
Oct. 11 1944 The 29th annual Walkout Day started after an assembly for civilian students and closed with a dance in the evening for Navy men and civilians.
Oct. 11 2011 网上赌博网站十大排行宣布秋季入学人数为7人,225 students, 连续四年刷新学校记录.
Oct. 12 1907 行政大楼奠基.
Oct. 12 1943 一个舞蹈取代了罢工日,因为海军士兵不能“走出去”."
Oct. 12 1961 哥伦比亚广播网上赌博网站十大排行主播沃尔特·克朗凯特说, 数百万美国人熟悉的面孔, 在体育馆举行的第44届西北教师协会年会的特邀演讲人是谁.
Oct. 12 2011 Northwest dedicated its newly opened Student Media Converged Newsroom in the lower level of Wells Hall after an extensive renovation.
Oct. 12 2016 Scott Dikkers, co-founder of The Onion, 他在查尔斯·约翰逊剧院与观众分享了他的故事,并与学生们进行了创意写作方面的交流, 政治学和传播学课程,作为杰出讲座系列的一部分.
Oct. 12 2018 Hundreds gathered to step inside the finished Carl and Cheryl Hughes Fieldhouse for the first time as Northwest hosted a dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the facility. 西北地区的捐助者承诺提供近1400万美元来建造这个耗资2100万美元的设施.
Oct. 13 1923 行政大楼礼堂前的赫比雕像不小心被撞倒毁了.
Oct. 13 2018 弗朗哥·奥利维亚在ITA杯上获得第三名, 最高的西北完成历史上的全国锦标赛事件的二级网球.
Oct. 14 1968 学生会项目委员会启动了“无所谓”周, 赞助一系列的演讲者, films, panel discussions and art exhibits "to enlighten the students to those inequalities and help propagate a less permissive attitude on the part of everyone involved."
Oct. 14 2011 Country hitmakers Lonestar appeared at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts with Graham Colton for the Student Activities Council’s fall concert.
Oct. 16 1992 KDLX hosted “Fall Freeze” on Walkout Day at the Bell Tower where students braved the chilly weather to hear music while enjoying hot dogs and soda.
Oct. 17 1938 实验学校在宿舍楼的日光浴室里开设了第一所托儿所.
Oct. 17 1993 Comedian and television actor Howie Mandel performed two shows at Northwest; the second show was added after the first sold out within two weeks.
Oct. 17 2002 冠军之战, 在箭头体育场网上赌博网站十大排行和匹兹堡州立大学之间的一场足球比赛, 发生在堪萨斯城. 这场对决后来被更名为箭头的秋季精英赛.
Oct. 19 1920 A Hiking Club was organized with Alice Peery as president and Mabel Cook as secretary; participants received honor points for 50 miles and an award for 100 miles.
Oct. 19 2012 Pop duo Timeflies performed at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts for the Students Activities Council's fall concert. 
Oct. 20 1950 课程被缩短,让学生完成返校节的准备工作.
Oct. 20 2017 网上赌博网站十大排行庆祝其校友中心扩建完成,并更名为迈克尔L. Faust校友和朋友中心是由奥马哈的苏珊娜和沃尔特·斯科特基金会捐赠的100万美元的结果, Nebraska, 以纪念1974届校友和西北基金会长期董事会成员迈克尔·福斯特.
Oct. 20 2017 校董会批准了一项提案,于2018年秋季推出网络安全理学学士学位课程.
Oct. 21 1932 A group of alumni, one a graduate of 1912, met in the Administration Building auditorium to pledge their loyalty to their alma mater and some signed up for life membership in the Alumni Association.
Oct. 21 2011 The Board of Regents approved the creation of a new major enabling students to work toward a bachelor of science in comprehensive crisis response.
Oct. 22 1915 第一个罢工日发生了.
Oct. 22 1928 学院举办了第一届曲棍球锦标赛.
Oct. 22 1995 下午在玛丽·林恩礼堂演出之前, 塞维林森博士和他的大乐队给深夜电视节目主持人约翰尼·卡森打电话,为他演奏“生日快乐”. 塞维林森和卡森一起在《正规博彩网站评级正规博彩平台》上出现了30年. 
Oct. 22 2011 以团圆饭庆祝建校40周年, featuring Liane Hansen, 他是美国国家公共广播电台“周日周末版”节目的获奖主持人,作为主讲人.
Oct. 22 2017 The American Association of State Colleges and Universities presented Northwest with the Excellence and Innovation Award for Sustainability and Sustainable Development during the opening session of AASCU’s Annual Meeting in La Jolla, California.
Oct. 22 2020 John Cline, 西北基金会董事会成员,1975年校友, announced during a Board of Regents meeting his pledge of a six-figure gift to meet the remainder of the Foundation’s fundraising goal to build the Agricultural Learning Center.
Oct. 23 1954 估计有12,000人参加了返校节游行,Tau Kappa Epsilon花车被烧毁.
Oct. 23 1965 网上赌博网站十大排行与两位女王一起庆祝了第19届返校节, 多萝西·哈德曼和玛琳·凯利, 在选举违规行为被发现后,学生委员会决定允许这对女王.
Oct. 23 1981 西北公司创造了最大多米诺骨牌连锁店的世界纪录.
Oct. 23 2004 网上赌博网站十大排行举办了第一届祈祷仪式, 通过展览来庆祝美洲原住民文化, 在熊猫竞技场比赛和跳舞.
Oct. 23 2009 Dr. 约翰·亚辛斯基宣誓就任网上赌博网站十大排行第十任校长.
Oct. 23 2015 网上赌博网站十大排行将迈克尔. 威尔斯大厅的浮士德媒体实验室, a remodeled classroom with state-of-the art technology to support student learning in the School of Communication and Mass Media as the result of a gift from Faust, a 1974 alumnus.
Oct. 24 1949 这个足球场被命名为纪念体育场,以纪念在两次世界大战中服役的男男女女.
Oct. 24 1985 破坏者在两年内第二次偷走了行政大楼里的亚伯拉罕·林肯雕像的头部.
Oct. 25 1920 校董会1914年禁止在校园里成立兄弟会和姐妹会的决议被修改为允许成立荣誉社团.
Oct. 25 2014 Alumni of The Northwest Missourian gathered in the Student Union Ballroom for a celebration of the student newspaper's centennial.
Oct. 25 2015 The American Association of State Colleges and Universities presented Northwest with the Excellence and Innovation Award in International Education at the opening session of AASCU’s Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas.
Oct. 26 1994 《网上赌博网站十大排行》明星、喜剧演员亚当·桑德勒在玛丽·林恩礼堂表演.
Oct. 26 2019 这是三季以来的第二次了, the defending NCAA Division II national champion Bearcat men’s basketball team faced off against the Duke University Blue Devils 在历史悠久的卡梅隆室内体育场举行的季前赛中. 熊队以63比69落败,西北后卫特雷弗·哈金斯以27分领跑全场.
Oct. 27 2010 Northwest students and faculty received an Award of Excellence for their work on the Jean Jennings Bartik Online Computing Museum at the fall conference for Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services in Norfolk, Virginia.
Oct. 27 2017 美国大学生体育协会(NCAA)二级联赛的卫冕冠军熊猫男子篮球队对阵杜克大学蓝魔队, losing 93-60, 在历史悠久的卡梅隆室内体育场举行的季前赛中.
Oct. 27 2019 The American Association of State Colleges and Universities presented Northwest with the Excellence and Innovation Award in Student Success and College Completion during the opening session of its annual meeting in Phoenix.
Oct. 28 2011 Northwest completed its conversion of student email accounts to upgraded cloud email accounts through an effort to significantly increase email storage for students while trimming costs for the University.
Oct. 28 2018 Northwest received the Christa McAuliffe Excellence in Teacher Education Award at the opening session of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Northwest, 还在2006年获得了麦考利夫奖, 这是自2002年设立该奖项以来,美国第三所两次获得该奖项的大学吗.
Oct. 29 2021 University President Dr. 约翰·亚辛斯基认出了乔·贝尔, 1963年的校友,网上赌博网站十大排行第一位非裔美国毕业生, 在董事会会议期间. The next day, 贝尔担任返校节的大元帅,并在返校节橄榄球比赛中场休息时受到表彰.
Oct. 30 2010 作为返校节周末活动的一部分,网上赌博网站十大排行在校园的第四街入口处安装了新的电子标牌. 从2005年到2009年,学生会和高年级为砖结构和标志筹集了资金.
Oct. 31 1947 在返校节活动期间,一只纸制熊猫首次公开亮相.
Oct. 31 1955 “金禧游行”,,由音乐学院的厄尔·莫斯为学院50周年校庆创作, 是在一场演出中被介绍给公众的.S. 海军乐队在行政大楼礼堂,由莫斯指挥.
Oct. 31 1971 珀西瓦尔·德鲁斯纪念收藏, containing 19th and early 20th century paintings as well as 18th and 19th century furniture given to Northwest by the estate of Olive DeLuce, 由艺术教员罗伯特·森克尔担任策展人, 在奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼的画廊里展出.
Oct. 31 2012 Comedian Steve-O, 以他在MTV系列节目《网上赌博网站十大排行》中的特技而闻名,在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心表演了他的单口相声.